Hello, artenauta! We would like to continue giving you some tips and keys to help you make your drawings more and more professional and realistic. Continuing with the theme of the human face, today we want to focus on one of the most expressive elements of the face, showing you how to draw lips step by step.
As we mentioned in previous posts, each face is different, so it is very important to observe and take measurements and proportions, in order to achieve the maximum resemblance with the real model (in case we have one). Anyway, the objective is to draw realistic lips).
We recommend that you also read how to draw a face step by step to acquire a series of notions that will help you to integrate the lips into the face, taking into account the rest of the facial elements.
How to draw lips step by step
Now let’s go for it and draw the lips step by step. All you need is pencil and paper and you’ll be drawing lips in 10 minutes or less with these 4 steps.
Step 1: Draw the central axis of the mouth
We mark a line, which will be the central axis of the mouth, drawing two circles in the upper part of the mouth and another circle (more oval) in the lower part.

Step 2: Make the upper lip bridge
We join the two circumferences located above the shaft, giving shape to the “small bridge” at the top of the lip.

Step 3: Repeat on the lower axes
We do the same with the ends of the shaft at the bottom, respecting the “flattened” shape of the circumference we have drawn below the shaft, to shape the lower lip.

Step 4: Outline and define
We outline the middle line between both lips, bringing it up to the corner of the mouth and marking the small curve that forms in the center of the upper lip.

To continue learning how to draw other parts of the face, we recommend you to read how to draw a nose step by step and how to draw eyes step by step.
But if you want to learn how to draw like a professional, we teach you everything you need to know about anatomy, drawing techniques, materials… Visit our Painting Course and let the artist in you come out!