How to Draw a Boat Step by Step

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Hello, artenauta! Following our goal of making art accessible to everyone, we have decided to make this step by step tutorial in which we will teach you how to draw a boat. In a few simple steps you will be able to draw a sailboat, a steamship or a ship with more than one mast. You can make a cartoon boat or, with the bases we will give you, you can draw a realistic boat.

At the end of this post we propose a series of exercises, ordered from lower to higher level of difficulty, in which we explain how to make other drawings step by step.

How to draw a boat with more than one mast, step by step.

In this step by step, we will teach you how to draw this type of boats, as we consider it to be one of the most complex; however, in the free resource, you will have the step by step to draw a sailboat and a steamboat. Now let’s go for it.

Step 1- Deconstruct into basic shapes

If you have followed some of our other step-by-steps, it should come as no surprise that this is the first step. Always, when we are starting out in the world of drawing and painting, studying the object beforehand and deconstructing it into basic shapes will make the task much easier. To make the hull of the boat, draw a kind of mixture between a rectangle and a parallelepiped.

hacer un casco de barco paso a paso

Step 2- Make the masts

Once you have the base of the helmet, make a small curved line and erase the rest or simply press the pencil harder in this step. Then, draw two vertical lines, which will be the masts, and to each one you will add 2 horizontal lines (in this space we will place the sails).

hacer un barco

Step 3- Make the first candle

Make an isosceles triangle connecting to the first mast. As the sails are hoisted, note that they will all have curved lines.

dibujar un barco facil

Step 4- Make the rest of the candles

For the rest of the sails, you will be guided by the two horizontal lines on each mast. Make a rectangle at the top and a square at the bottom; remember to draw the curved lines to give the impression that the wind is moving the boat. And add some pennants at the top of each mast.

hacer un barco facil

Step 5 - Final details

Add a last sail, similar to the first one; that is, an isosceles triangle with lines connecting the second mast to the stern of the ship.

hacer un barco por pasos

Step 6 - Add the sea and other details

Finally, add the sea waves and then you have two options: erase the lines you don’t need or go over them very well by pressing the pencil on the ones you do. We recommend the second option.

And, presto, you’ve learned how to draw a boat step by step. You can paint it with the technique of your choice or simply make some shadows with pencil or charcoal to make your boat more realistic.

cómo dibujar un barco

Speaking of realism, if you want to achieve a more realistic boat, we advise you to follow the steps above but based on this model below, which is more complex, as it has more sails, halyards and details. We can also add a couple of seagulls.

dibujar un barco paso a paso

Download the free resource

How to Draw Animals Step by Step

We propose a series of exercises that will help you to acquire practice and improve your results. Click here and we will explain how to make each of them step by step:

Drawing is one of the most is one of the most complex practices that exist within the art world, but, with the right knowledge and work, you will be able to master it.

As we mentioned at the beginning, in this free resource you can find the step by step instructions to draw a sailboat and a steamboat. If you want more techniques and tips to get started and succeed in drawing, we recommend our Drawing and Painting Course.

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