How to draw a face step by step

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Hello, artenauta! Would you like to learn how to draw a face step by step? In this post we give you the keys so that you can do it.

At the end of this post we propose a series of exercises, ordered from lower to higher level of difficulty, in which we explain you how to draw animals step by step.

Although portraiture is one of the most complex disciplines within drawing and painting, today we will give you a series of simple steps so that, with a lot of practice and perseverance, you can achieve the resemblance of your work with the model you have chosen.

Tips to keep in mind before starting

  • In case you are going to draw the face of a specific person, don’t get discouraged if you are not able to achieve the resemblance. You will get it with a lot of practice.
  • “Measurements are everything”: a deviation of millimeters in certain areas of the face may mean that our drawing does not resemble the chosen model.
  • If we see that we are deviating from the result, we correct and start again. Patience is very important.
  • As always, observation is fundamental: each face is a world unto itself. The more we know the person, the easier it will be to get the resemblance.

Drawing a face step by step

Bearing in mind that proportions and measurements are fundamental when drawing a face, we show you how to do it step by step:

1. Draw two points

We draw two points, A and B, which mark the beginning and the end of our face, from the chin to the hairline.

How to draw a face step by step

2. Find the middle ground

We look for the midpoint between A and B, which will be point C (leaving a little more margin between the midpoint and A, since we need more space to add the hair later), to draw our horizontal axis.

How to draw a face step by step

Plot the horizontal axis

We take the measurement between C and B to transfer it to the horizontal axis.

How to draw a face step by step

4. Locate the lower part of the nose

We look for point D, between C and B, which will correspond to the lower part of the nose.

dibujar una cara paso a paso

5. Locate the lower lip

We mark the midpoint between D and B, which will coincide with the lower lip.

How to draw a face step by step

6. Delimit the eye space

We divide the horizontal axis (C-B) into three parts, to delimit the eye space.

How to draw a face step by step

7. Draw the nose

We join with a line the tear trough of each eye until we find the flap of the nose, establishing the septum and the bridge, leaving a space between the tear troughs and the beginning of the nose.

dibujar cara paso a paso

8. Draw the mouth

If in point 5 we marked the lower part of the mouth, now we are going to draw lines from the center to the side of the iris, to delimit the corners of the lips.

How to draw a face step by step

9. Draw eyebrows

We move up the distance from the tear trough to the center of the nose (using our fingers as a compass, for example) to mark the beginning of the eyebrow.

paso 9 cara a cara
How to draw a face step by step

10. Draw the contour of the face

We move the measurement between the tear trough and the center of the face to the sides, to define the facial oval (entering a little in the area of the temples and exiting at the cheekbones).

dibujar cara en 10 pasos

11. Add the finishing touches

We add the hair and the ears (which are usually found between the eyebrows and some point between the nose and the lip).

dibujar una cara

And, voila! We have our face! In addition to these simple steps to draw a face, we recommend that you read how to draw a face.
draw a nose step by step
y how to draw eyes step by step.

Now all that remains is to start practicing. We recommend that you start with simple practices and gradually increase the level of complexity of the exercises. Remember that practice makes perfect, and with perseverance and perseverance, you can achieve the results you set out to achieve.

How to Draw Animals Step by Step

For this purpose, we propose a series of exercises, from less to more complex, that will help you to acquire practice and improve your results. Click here and we will explain how to make each of them step by step:

  1. How to draw a dolphin step by step
  2. How to draw a rabbit step by step
  3. How to draw a shark step by step
  4. How to draw a bird step by step
  5. How to draw a frog step by step
  6. How to draw a dog step by step
  7. How to draw a dinosaur step by step
  8. How to draw a horse step by step

Drawing is one of the most complex practices that exist in the art world, but with the right knowledge and work, you will be able to master it.

For learn how to draw people like a professional, in a gradual way and adapted to your rhythm and time availability, we recommend you to visit our Painting and Drawing Course where we teach you all the concepts, drawing techniques and materials for you to become a true artist, finding and developing your own style and getting to where you propose.

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